and has changed his name

■ Express reporter correspondent Liu Hong Jiang Yongxin Zhangyi Tao had operated Yang Minghua

Guangzhou police "fox hunting" over three months, has been persuaded to return captured nine suspects fled overseas economies

Yesterday, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau held a press conference briefing, July 22 this year, the Guangzhou police launched "Fox Hunting 2014" special action to track down the suspects at large overseas economies, so far, has successfully captured, persuaded to return to flee abroad suspects 9 (respectively 6, 3) to assist in the field of public security authorities arrested two fugitives, of whom more than flight suspects involved in fraud. One of the suspects fled 18 years police arrest.

The identity of the suspect fled the country the police a bleached with 15 years

The evening of September 23,moncler everest, the Guangzhou police in Beijing Capital International Airport, ports of entry, captured fugitive for 18 years, and has changed his name, adding a North American nationality contract fraud suspect Chen. Police investigators, "the police filed 15 years has never given up on Chen's pursuit,nike air pas chere, there is one with the police or even 15 years in the end."

Police, Chen in June 1996 as an agent on behalf of imports of polyester chips, contract fraud, Guangzhou City,ie undercover, a company 2.4 million yuan of goods. "Chen first with the victim to do some small business loans are very timely, but finally made a single big and ran." Police investigators, the victim cheated until December 1999, three years after it reported to the police, And Chen had to go into hiding in September 1996 to North America.

"After Chen fled to North America, has been handled by another name for a new passport, and has joined a local citizenship." Police investigators said,giubbotti uomo peuterey, because Chen abscond with the money scam, a country in North America life is pretty good, and have their own work, and even re-marry abroad.

In Chen's pursuit of the process, the police found that although Chen won the local nationality of a country in North America, but its still a household registration information in the country, the police according to their family situation in the country through the line relationship mastered its sneak into the country clues. Foreign nationality evening September 23, Chen attempted to transform the names of luck to sneak into the country, but I do not know long been the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau, "Fox Hunting 2014" task force laid a dragnet,prone to serious infections and bleeding.,piumini woolrich prezzi, and ultimately without a fight.

"Fox Hunting 2014" first foreign suspects arrested in Guangzhou

August 14 morning, the alleged contract fraud Lebanese nationality Suspects SABRA grace Island Road in Liwan District of Guangzhou City arrested. 51-year-old Lebanese SABRA never dreamed, renamed Yixing replacement passport "bleaching" the identity of more than six years, was eventually Guangzhou police arrest. It is reported that the person is the "Fox Hunting 2014" special action in the first foreign nationals arrested suspects, the first "fox hunting" of the target object is captured by the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

In the second half of 2007, SABRA behalf of an international trading company, with the first payment of a small deposit to defraud the owner trust, received all the goods after escape tactics,, fraud victim than domestic apparel worth about 250,000 yuan. Subsequently, SABRA closed into hiding after the international trading company.

January 16, 2008, the Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Detachment investigation and pursuit of the work carried out quickly, but have been unable to find SABRA trail. After "Fox Hunting 2014" special action, the police pursuit experience, judgment SABRA may replace identity into our country. Police from a variety of information to start, the investigation of a man named "SABRA" who discovered two highly similar photos.

To further verify the identity, police with the help of the immigration department, the transfer of suspects more photos for comparison analysis - found that up to 95% similarity. Guangzhou police through in-depth investigation, the SABRA captured. In front of the police, the suspect sigh: Chinese police really powerful, for the identity has not escaped your stuff. SABRA suspects confessed to their wrongdoing, has been under criminal detention.

Arrest suspects fled in tears recalled situation: hiding in fear every day life really is too bad

Close up

October 10, by the city Public Security Bureau alleged contract fraud successfully fled five years of foreign fugitives Jiangmou arrest.

Jiangmou formerly of foreign nationality,woolrich compra online, between November 2008 to May 2009, together with others Jiangmou contract fraud in Zengcheng over 270 million loan to a company after absconding and made identity outside the region. "At that time, Jiangmou registered shell companies, low-cost sales of goods to obtain the trust of the victim, and then after the implementation of a successful flight of fraud."

During the "Fox Hunting 2014" special action, the police task force found Jiangmou has fled back to Xiamen City, Fujian Province. Police went to Xiamen City during the National Day Mocha, after several days of investigation, grasp the rental Jiangmou girlfriend lived and operated fruit shop and other clues. According to police investigators, the original is because of emotional problems Jiangmou return home to see his girlfriend. Under the strong support of the local police in Xiamen,outlet woolrich firenze, October 10 afternoon, the Guangzhou police finally in a rental near Jimei District, Xiamen City, the Jiangmou arrest.

Jiangmou was arrested after talking about his flight career came when the tears of remorse, "just to flee, to run around every day, hiding, afraid of the police came to the door, in fear every day, life really is too bad. "

Police advise


December 1,do not take him to the hospital. Meanwhile, surrendered may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment

And to assist in providing clues to the suspect's flight captured, Guangdong police will be given financial incentives

According to the Guangzhou Economic Investigation Police departments responsible person, this year July 22, Ministry of Public Security to deploy the national public security organs from now until the end of the year, carried out the "Fox Hunting 2014" arrest fugitive suspects overseas economies special action.

Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau "fox hunting to do" all relevant units organized police investigators, set up Gongzuozhuanban,giacconi moncler donna, in accordance with the "Three Ones" (ie, for each arrest object, the establishment of a fugitive offender files, determine an arrest program, the establishment of a arrest of special classes) activities, depending on the circumstances of each fugitive, different characteristics, take a variety of targeted investigative measures, means, and found the fugitive activity trajectory.

October 10 this year,the children found out that my physical discomfort, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, Ministry of Public Security,basically know, Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly issued "on foreign economic crimes fugitive who urged surrender notice",outlet piumini, pointed out in the December 1 for the voluntary surrender,, truthfully confessed his crime voluntary return, may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment according to law.

And at the recent Provincial Public Security Bureau held a press conference,moncler giubbotti prezzi, the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Bureau Huang Shou should, in recent years, a number of flight delays in economic crimes suspects to justice, a number of major cases can not be detected, the loss of the masses can not restore, the overall effect of seriously restricting the fight against economic crime. To this end, Guangdong increase foreign fugitives, and strengthen cooperation with foreign law enforcement agencies to assist, trying the suspect under arrest.

Huang Shou Ying said that Guangdong police clues and assist in providing accurate flight arrested suspects, the public security organs will be given financial incentives. Meanwhile,, the case against the suspect fled with money, the public security organs will also suspects hiding States for international judicial assistance evidence presented stolen goods requested by the recovery of the stolen money squeeze their living space.

Guangzhou police "Fox Hunting 2014" victories

● 8 7 April, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Corps to assist in Guangzhou successfully captured fled a hotel for 13 years, has been bleached identity of a particular nationality Oceania Wang fugitives abroad.

● 8 May 14, Island Road, Liwan District,prezzi scarpe hogan, uh, arresting fugitive more than six years of contract fraud suspects of a country in the Middle East SABRA.

● 9 18, successfully persuaded to return to North America more than five years of absconding suspects Zhang, inspiring their return to domestic surrender.

● 9 23, at the Beijing Capital International Airport, ports of entry, captured fugitive for 18 years, joined the North American nationality of a contract fraud suspect Chen.

● 9 28,hogan contraffatte, to assist Hainan Provincial Public Security Bureau of Economic Investigation Corps in Guangzhou Yuexiu Area Restaurant successfully captured a fugitive in South America Xiamou a foreign nationality.

● 9 29, successfully persuaded to return to abscond non-state personnel suspected bribery case Baiyun District of North America Liang village cadres to return home surrender.

● 10 May 10, in Fujian Province,woolrich italy, Xiamen City Area rental, fled abroad successfully captured a five-year contract fraud fugitives Jiangmou.

● 10 17, in the Milky Way railway station entry and exit points, successfully captured the Asian contract fraud suspect Ann a certain nationality.

● 10 22, fled to Southeast Asia successfully persuaded to return for one year the suspect Wu returned home surrender.

● 10 May 25, at the Zhuhai Gongbei successfully captured and later fled abroad ready to sneak into fraud suspects Mainland Zhongmou.

● 11 January at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, ports of entry, successfully captured an African nationality suspects fled ELSAYED four-year contract fraud.