the Yanbian People's Court

Raising a son 14 years,woolrich donna outlet,to be with forever Xiaoyan., but found that was not his biological, depressed "substitute father" to his ex-wife to court seeking compensation for his alimony and child's mental solatium. Recently, the Yanbian People's Court,tiffany milano, the defendant compensate Ms Fung Wong ex alimony,moncler spaccio online,, mental solatium, transportation fees, appraisal fees totaling 43,outlet ufficiale moncler,500 yuan.

Paternity is not his son

In 1995,woolrich parka,which can carry seven advanced age of the elderly how long, residents of Panzhihua Yanbian Wong and smaller than their 14-year-old Ms. Feng registration of marriage. September 1998,woolrich parka, the son of Jill was born. November 2001, the two because of emotional discord and divorce, Jill and Wong live together.

As the son grew up, Wong found his son in looks,for themselves and others harm., personality and other aspects of their own very different, gradually became suspicious. March this year, he took the children to a testing center in Chengdu do a paternity test. Conclusion out, he was not the biological father of Jill. Wong was very angry: "Imagine 14 years raising their hard son,basket tn nike,which makes him resemble "bul, it is not your own flesh and blood!"

In August, he ex-wife Ms Fung paper petition to court, demanding compensation.

Substitute father to his ex-wife claims court

November 12, Yanbian People's Court hearing the case. Ms Fung Wong plaintiff and defendant, the two sides agents participated in the proceedings.

Mr Wong said he Jill's daily life and learning have paid a huge effort, that is not his own son after the spirit suffered a heavy blow, requiring the return of his own ex-wife alimony 24,900 yuan to pay for her living expenses 0.9 yuan,basket tn pas cher,, 03,000 yuan paternity charges, transportation costs 574 yuan, and the spirit of solatium 30,giubbotti moncler,000 yuan, a total of 67,nike tn pas cher,400 yuan. Ultimately,nike tn pas cher, the court: Ms Fung Wong alimony damages,nike tn requin,workers sort the information , moral damages solatium, transportation fees, appraisal fees totaling 43,,500 yuan.

WCC reporter Xu Xiangdong Gao Xiaoyan