dumplings can carry other types of mail entry.

■ prohibited, mailing immigration countries: Germany,emergency room doctors said, France, Spain,vendita hogan, Switzerland, Denmark, India, Indonesia,Zhang Yanyan instinctively screamed. Man found her, Brazil, Qatar,piumini moncler outlet, Hungary, Belgium, Russia, Congo,then said, Saudi Arabia, Uruguay, Czech Republic, the Philippines, Estonia, Switzerland, Myanmar Mexico, South Korea and China Taiwan

■ partial ban: Australia, New Zealand, UK,nike tn requin, USA,outlet piumini moncler, Canada, Japan prohibited,woolrich uomo outlet, mailing entry containing meat, egg yolk ingredient dumplings

□ reporter Li Xiaoming

Morning News Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings is our custom, the dumplings can if you want to send overseas relatives or friends, it is likely to eat "cold shoulder." Reporters learned yesterday from the State Administration of Quality Supervision, at least 29 countries and regions are prohibited or partial ban on mainland Chinese dumplings entry.

Quality supervision departments to remind, because some varieties of dumplings containing meat ingredients, there is a risk of avian influenza to carry, foot and mouth disease and other diseases spread of quarantine. And carrying, mailing dumplings after a long journey prone to deterioration. Therefore,tiffany outlet italia, some countries carry mail dumplings immigration restriction measures taken.

Different areas of the dumplings, when immigrants will face a different treatment. Singapore dumplings on the mainland open green channel, Hong Kong, China Taiwan and Malaysia dumplings was blocked outside. This distinction is based mainly on the countries considered epidemic occurred, according to Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of interpretation, Hong Kong, China Taiwan and Malaysia,, foot and mouth disease have occurred in recent years; the pig industry in Malaysia also had Nipah virus, for safety reasons,woolrich outlet, Any meat or meat-containing foods are allowed to enter Singapore. Moreover, immigration restrictions related products also varies according to the situation, "For example, when the prevalence of bird flu,peuterey outlet,do not rush walk, as are poultry, especially chicken foods subject to special restrictions."

Whether to allow the country to carry mail dumplings immigration? According to "People's Republic of China are prohibited, animals and plants and their products mailed List" provides ingredients containing meat and meat products such as ham dumplings, prohibited, mailing entry,moncler uomo outlet, dumplings can carry other types of mail entry.

How to ensure the carrying gifts mailed to friends and relatives can successfully pass? Quality supervision departments suggested that travelers should know in advance and travel destinations of the state to carry things, mailing things quarantine requirements,after a week day, do not carry mail containing quarantine risk items.

Dumplings exit is blocked, then the country can smoothly circulate it? Reporter yesterday from the post office, courier party learned domestic dumplings wrapped can be sent, but it must be packaged, unpackaged fresh dumplings shall mail and courier.

According to the provisions of the postal sector, domestic dumplings sent mail,abercrombie soldes,Li Jianguo was found not only, such as its own package,woolrich bambini, you can not leave a gap in the middle box. After dumplings vacuum processed by way of mail parcels, unpackaged fresh dumplings not mailed.

Courier industry for dumplings wrapped basically released. However,spaccio woolrich, according to relevant laws and regulations, prohibitions and restrictions in delivering of goods,thereby drawing attention to , the "perishable goods" also be prohibited, and therefore require a higher post dumplings packaging and can not cook, so you perishable deterioration.

(Original title: 23 countries and regions in mainland dumplings prohibit entry)