high-quality teachers in rural areas the loss

Metropolis Daily News reporter Wang Gong Shang

No reading aloud,directed the game., nor between classes playful laughter. If you have to hear this quiet little movement Township Elementary School, just up and down the hours hand bells sound.

When the fall semester, Hefeng county town Yung Mei Shimen Primary School, five teachers only ushered two children enrolled at the ......

An elementary school two baby

Consecutive days, Hefeng's River, the mountains are infiltrating in the autumn fine. Reporters in the county to spend 50 yuan rented a "face" and rushed to the beauty of the town, 10 km away Yung Shimen Primary School, the owner Liu did not understand: "Shimen Primary School did a few people, you go doing?"

Hill twisted like noodles, 10 kilometers road walk half an hour, get off at the front of the Shimen Primary School, a boy holding a snack from the playground ran footsteps empty.

He called , 11 years old, 5th grade reading is the only boys Shimen Primary School.

Reading Grade 6 Xiuping Chen 12 years, is the only girl in this school.

Two children just after class. Although not in class together, but always get together after school to play. They are only another classmate and friend, from the time when the school from September 1, it becomes a choice.

Shimen has two primary schools,dividends, eight classrooms,woolrich junior, all empty, the two children can play hide and seek in the corridor.

45-year-old principal and several teachers together TANG Ai-guo, being 52 years old,chaussure nike requin, sick last semester math teacher Peng Hualan performance appraisal.

TANG Ai-guo said Shimen four villages near the primary school enrollment of children,peuterey milano, 10 years ago, there were more than 240 students. Last semester, the school where there are nearly 40 students, most of this semester beauty of the town to go to the county, and here only two children.

Sitting on the side of the 56-year-old language teacher Zhou graduated lamented: "If a little bit of ability at home,negozio tiffany firenze, they turn away."

Yung Mei town center school principal Zhao Zhongsi introduction, school year, there are 10 elementary school teachers Shimen,peuterey sito ufficiale, look after the students is too small, the redeployment of five people, now remaining five teachers.

Amazing merge

Shimen primary shell phenomenon is not unique.

According revealed that 10 years ago,peuterey napoli, the United States and the town has a primary school and teaching tolerance point total of 46, by constantly merging, this year only 10.

Will look to expand to Hefeng, the situation is more significant. Hefeng County Board of Education Basic Education shares the name of the person in charge Lu Feng introduced in 2000, the population of more than 200,000 of the mountain counties, a total of 18,peuterey bari,000 students, the county's 228 primary schools, while the fall semester of this year, the county's primary school population was reduced to 1.1 million, a reduction of about 39 percent, reducing the number of 170 primary schools, nearly 75 percent.

October 14 afternoon, Enshi Prefecture Board of Education Development Planning Division is responsible for the new biography of Deng told this reporter, in 2000, a total of Enshi 1944 primary teaching point 756. By 2009,through understanding, reduce the 1190 primary school teaching point reduction of 267, reducing the total number of 1457, accounting for more than half of the total number of primary schools and teaching points.

Deng Chuan said the new, latest data has not yet figured out this year, but the number is certainly higher than last year's decline.

Longing and select

In Hefeng,hogan interactive false, many village children detour to the town school,Chen Xiaowen said that last year at 3, which is why?

Master Liu lived near Shimen Village Primary School, went to school less than 10 minutes from home,moncler bambini outlet, his children had enrolled in Shimen Primary School, and later transferred to the United States and the town center school capacity. But he said the transfer is really a last resort, he said:. "If it is not the side of the teacher level too limited and too old, they start missing course, I certainly would not send their children to go to the town of Reading"

Master Liu said the children in the town school, got to go back and forth to the mountain, the car is easy to trouble, he had to let his wife rent in the city read along. Home less of a major labor force, have to pay rent, living expenses, etc., for him, a lot of burden.

Screen Master Tian Shan, a taxi driver in the county, the wife in the county to work,2009 premium hand, family conditions in general,hogan interactive bianche, "the village teaching conditions really bad,piumino peuterey uomo,said Zheng was found the problem in the "re-examination stage, you can not just let the children go to school and sent a large portion of other people", so he will go to children County Experimental Primary School.

Tian village primary school teacher does not think the gradual disappearance is completely normal phenomenon. He said: "We read each village has a primary school, when, later that child is reduced, turn off the village primary school is also normal, but there are many primary schools in the city 'Super Taipan', there are more than 70 children in a class, they Most of those removed from the village primary school come, Is it normal? "

The kids go to the same school in the city of Tian Wei is an interview with reporters, said only a "willing", he in business, family conditions are good, that "children should be studying in the city, the conditions, the atmosphere, the level is good , beneficial to the growth of children. "

Unstoppable trend

Why is the number of primary schools in rural Enshi drastically reduced?

Hefeng County Board of Education Basic Education shares the name of the person in charge Lu Feng said that this is related to the number of school-age children, about 2000 was the peak of the primary school-age children, when the country "compulsory education" standards, almost to the "village primary school to do" the point, the number of primary schools has reached its peak.

Another important reason, Feng Lu were considered uneven development of rural education. Including teachers, teaching facilities,but still breathing, equipment and courses and so on.

In the reporter visited several "shell" of schools, teachers nearing retirement age in general, a lot of recent years "people turn public" teachers, students and teachers took to Coban positions mainly in secondary schools,modelli moncler uomo, especially in high school. Local ballad "grandparents taught elementary school, aunts and uncles to teach junior high school, my brother and sister to teach high school", that is the situation.

Enshi State Board of Education Development Plan Deng Chuan said the new chief, although in recent years to promote rural boarding schools do to promote the village school, but continued to decline in the number of schools is a trend in the long term,Wang can not wait in a long t, which is to improve the mountain elementary school level favorable.

Sociology lecturer Hubei Institute for Nationalities Zhangming Bo analysis, decreasing rural primary reasons, the first is population control and after birth concept that people change, dwindling population, which is also a modern manifestation; followed by accelerated urbanization, rural a lot of the city, resulting in the reduction of rural primary source; again is leading to the development of education and rural dual structure is not balanced, high-quality teachers in rural areas the loss, but all relatively good economic conditions of rural households are willing to choose a good quality of teaching urban school children school, but also exacerbated the reduction of rural primary source.

Zhangming Bo said that this situation is our population changes, the result of social and economic development in the foreseeable future years, it will still be a trend.