misty on the bed wearing a brown coat

Newspaper correspondent reporter Li Yangyang floor contestants often Yaxin / painted

17-year-old girl in Jiangxi misty (a pseudonym), after school drop-out from working out with 300 dollars, December 22 morning, the bus ride alone to Hangzhou.

At 15:00 on the 23rd and more, she Xiaoshan town of Wai in the east gate of the Qiantang seven A dam 500 meters at the edge was found,giubbino woolrich,A reporter recently obtained , messy clothes, head battered, unconscious.

After seeing the local villagers, rushed to the police. Misty was sent Xiaoshan hospital.

The doctor said, misty head trauma is caused by hitting a hard object. Her skull fracture, intracranial hematoma. There is no danger. However, due to severe shock, the need for further observation.

Yesterday, in a mild coma misty finally regained consciousness, she was lying on the bed but bewildered.

Misty: Qiantang River, I was stunned

Yesterday morning, misty on the bed wearing a brown coat,peuterey bari, and looked haggard. Due to head injuries,Now identify, back of the head with a fist at the big lump became misty shaved bald. Banner drip hands are wound have black nails congestion.

Saw a stranger come in, misty eyes immediately transferred to the head of the ceiling.

Ning Wai police station are taking note.

"A few days ago, she has been in a coma, the record can not do that today, the situation is slightly better." Police said.

Misty says, 22, she came out looking for work from Jiangxi Guangfeng, who is a couple of hundred dollars, then the bus just have to Hangzhou bus, she got on. Hangzhou after, she went to the Qiantang River to find a place to live, I do not know how being knocked out. For the attacks themselves, misty said, do not know.

For more details, misty memories reluctant,prezzo bracciale tiffany, he kept shaking his head to hide her bed,Mike eventually persuaded his, saying "can not remember."

Misty Father: suspected her daughter to see someone who was raped

Huang's father squatted misty doorway.

He made a construction site in Dinghai carpentry. The police informed him that he did not know her daughter out of trouble.

Huang is very self-blame, say no to take care of her daughter.

Misty 6 years old, my mother ran away. Huang has been working outside, misty on to take care of grandparents. After high school boarding school misty. Huang Send her a couple of hundred dollars a month for living expenses,hogan interactive, rarely on the phone.

This year in October, with the yellow misty suddenly said the master, do not want to read, and to drop out, so he dropped out.

November this year,woolrich donna roma,Are willing to "official" dut, Huang Hui Letang home, misty told him, wanted to work out, Huang did not agree.

Huang said that these days he tries to communicate with her daughter,tn nike requin, but her daughter as if by a great shock, taciturn, said a lot of things can not remember.

After the incident, misty body of the phone and the money is gone,giubbotti moncler, pants are also a lot of blood flow.

Huang doubt, the daughter came to Hangzhou to see friends,nike air max tn requin,after eight days and eight ni, was robbed,outlet woolrich, but he had been raped.

On QQ, "recent contacts",costume moncler,he and his wife went to the supermarket theory, the only one in Hangzhou friends

Misty doctor said they carried out a preliminary examination drizzly, misty surface does not seem to suffer sexual abuse. I do not agree because of misty, is not willing to say that in the end there is no experience of sexual abuse,hogan lecce, to conduct a comprehensive gynecological examination can be determined.

Huang said that they are not relatives in Hangzhou. He suspected her daughter was to see friends, and met a bad friends.

Huang took out a piece of paper, a string of numbers that read: "This is a wake up after misty let me write down, saying that his QQ number and password,Zhaolin Feng picked up a kitc, forget the fear of the future."

Huang is not the Internet,Hu Li Ling's aunt, he let reporters to help check.

Yesterday afternoon, the reporter logged misty QQ, her network called "Dream cherry", says "loveismyloveweiyidelove" QQ signature. QQ application not long, friends also dozens of people.

Her recent contacts in Hangzhou netizen only one, QQ data show the other 21 years old, a group of friends the main group, misty happens also in this group where friends.

Reporter immediate feedback to the Xiaoshan police.

Yesterday, reporters from the Xiaoshan police was informed, was found in the river because of misty,saldi woolrich, remoteness, with misty memories currently not complete, there is no substantive progress of the case.

Why misty Hangzhou? 22 to 23 days, the girl who in the end what happened? Police hope insiders can provide clues.