a pseudonym

Huangjiao (a pseudonym) to the home when the door opened,giacconi peuterey, Wumou husband put down the words,Fu Huizhen learning ver, "If you go out, it is ready to call 120!" just after a quarrel with her husband did not mind, straight out of the house. About 10 minutes later, her two year old nephew was Wumou small sharp 5th floor stairwell from the rental office to throw down, the end result of his injuries died a death.

This is the place in the evening of April 25, Shijie Town, Dongguan City,who did not think, South Water Temple Road East Housed in a tragedy. As of yesterday, the parents of small sharp too sad because no news from home, Huangjiao has sadly left with her daughter, the police have been under criminal detention Wumou.

The boy ran away from home parents

"I telephoned her, the phone on or off." Yesterday afternoon, a small sharp grandfather Zhengbing Peach was not able to contact the home of her daughter and son. They leave home in the evening of April Heyuan 26. "They dare not say Heyuan back home, afraid to see the children (small sharp) toys, clothes and the like." Peach said,cappotto woolrich donna, was the son Huang and low tone on the phone, "Dad, we want to go out get some fresh air,spaccio moncler milano, do not worry . "In fact, he knew, a son is heartbroken.

Huang and his wife have been working in Heyuan life,peuterey outlet milano, was born two years since a small sharp, they Dongguan little intersection. Peach said in early March this year, because relatives sudden serious illness,moncler bady, according to weekdays grandmother always need to go home to take care of her husband, so Huang and just rented in Dongguan Shijie Town's sister talk to her monthly 1000 Yuan,woolrich prezzo, by her and her husband to take care of a small sharp Wumou temporarily for two months.

Has been regarded as a nice calm day. The evening of April 25,moncler ufficiale,was less than 7, under a heavy rain,giving them time to find new , and the daughter of a peach people are ready to eat, suddenly received a phone. After the children were informed of the sad news dropped floor, peach drove through the night with her daughter arrived a Shijie.

After a quarrel tragedy

and her husband rented Wumou Shijie South Water Temple in the North East area housed the Silver Star. The second floor of a neighbor, said Huangjiao with her husband and daughter have lived on the fifth floor in 2045, normally with the neighbors also considered Lianshu, will meet each other hello. March this year after a small sharp live over, the neighbors also remember the "delicate and lovely, smart,peuterey giubbotto uomo,no permit would not trade. "engaged in real estate brokerage company for many years," the little boy.

. "The little boy is from the stairwell at the 4th floor with 5 being dropped to the floor between the" Yesterday morning, when Southern Reporter site visits,spaccio woolrich bologna orari, the neighbors still remember the time of the incident: standing outside stairwell crying out loud with the help of small sharp lying on the ground is not a movement, but also around the oozing blood. Ms. Gong neighbor said she then saw her daughter upstairs Wumou go down, looking very poor,bracciale di tiffany, daughter wearing only one shoe, curled up in his father's arms, cried.

Before long,unclaimed uniforms, the police rushed to the scene, a small sharp was rushed to hospital, Huangjiao also been taken in for questioning. We later learned, then ran away Wumou Tanghong district near the police station to surrender. Market rumors, small sharp fall evening Wumou reason, because he suspected his wife was having an affair and again that night under heavy rain also insisted to go out, do not live under a huff after persuasion, Hwang will their anger to a small sharp body The results led to the tragedy.

■ police informed

The angry man nephew dropped floor

According Shijie police, at 19:28 on April 25 Xu, Wumou (42 years old,woolrich italy, Gaozhou people) to the police station to surrender Tanghong Shijie Public Security Bureau,because the maintenance man-hour fee charged lines alone is not profitable, said: it around at 19:00 on April 25, at the South Water North East Temple housed a rental stairwell at 4-5 floor, will throw his wife's nephew Hwang downstairs.

The police investigation has revealed that the boy was killed in March Hwang is starting from Wumou wife Hwang Johnson (34 years old, Huidong people), took care of. Recently, the suspect Wu Mouhuai suspect Hwang Johnson and others having an affair, the incident that day, the two sides quarrel,woolrich outlet cadriano, Wumou let go Hwang Johnson,but fortunately there are peo, but Johnson will not allow Hwang. Wumou angry, claiming that Johnson out if Hwang, Hwang is detrimental to their nephew. But Johnson insisted Hwang out, under Wumou angry, put Hwang thrown from the window on the first floor.

Hwang was sent to the hospital, the end result of his injuries died. Wumou surrendered after police have their criminal detention, the case is still under investigation at present.

Southern Reporter Mo Xiaodong