000 yuan in cash heritage

(Reporter Wang Man-ki) two oldest old son to court to ask for the death of 60 million yuan female heritage,spaccio woolrich bologna cadriano, accused of ingratitude,peuterey bari, said Hong Kong-husband appeared 500 million net worth does not exist, it was encouraged Wengxu odds.

In 2009, the two oldest old paper petition Kong Fu Ji husband to court to fight for her daughter died leaving discuss "60 million yuan heritage." After the Court of First Instance judgment in Shantou dead elderly woman inherits 2.66 million yuan heritage, the old couple refused to accept the verdict and continue to appeal to the Guangdong Provincial High Court. Last October,finishing boots. I want to di, the High Court has been mediation between the parties, but the appeal has yet to result disparities.

Recently, has been accused of ingratitude parents-in-law to occupy a huge legacy of Chang Jung finally appeared new.

In an interview with the Yangcheng Evening News reporter to interview,giacca peuterey uomo, Chang Jung-new, said: "I have been very dutiful wife's parents, her parents said to split 5 million of property does not exist, because it was instigated court Wengxu behind."

Enemies inside story:

Uncle attempted to borrow money to encourage the elderly?

58-year-old Hong Kong businessman Chang Jung has been hailed as the new "eastern Guangdong sewing king", the heyday of the business, its sewing machine (sewing machine) with operations in China, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, Thailand,Reporter Manchu fly, Myanmar, Malaysia and other countries. Zhang Rong and his wife Yang Wenzhen new home Shantou, married and has a son and a daughter. Zhang Rong Hong Kong a few years after the new immigrants, but also naturalized Yangwen Zhen Hong Kong, a four are permanent residents of Hong Kong.

Early July 2005, due to risk of colorectal cancer died in Shantou. Chang Yung-hsin,Shaoguan City Intermediate Pe, after his wife's death, Yang did not mention too much from the heritage thing, he did not this concept, then put Yangwen Zhen left more than 20 million in cash and a number of valuable gold and silver jewelry to the wife's parents, so the two Bit old master treatment.

Yangwen Zhen died three years later, Zhang Yang, the two relations have been very cordial, until December 2008 suddenly become enemies. One day, Zhang Rong new back to visit her parents in Shantou. On the family gathering table, father-in-law suddenly lift succession Yangwen Zhen heritage, said her daughter left up to several hundred million dollars legacy inherited as parents have taken to require the return of their son deserve that part of the estate. Chang Yung-new feel very surprised and shocked, he refused to say he did not so much property, and said he wanted to go to consult a lawyer. "I was in Hong Kong, Hong Kong law does not require parents to inherit the property of the child." Zhang Rong new memories,woolrich parka prezzi, although the atmosphere was unpleasant, but it has not come to an impasse.

March 2009, the two old son sued the paper petition Shantou City Court, to discuss her daughter's legacy to be 60 million yuan. Originally harmony of a person,prezzi giubbotti peuterey, because the estate dispute to court, being caught in a protracted lawsuit disputes.

Zhang Rong Yang new father 91 years old this year, has 80-year-old mother Chen. Why this sudden oldest old legacy issues raised scores ten million? Zhang Rong new view,if you can find a good long-t, it should be someone else in-law's family, which encouraged. Zhang Rong said a new before and after his wife's death, a large Qijiu has repeatedly told him to borrow money, probably borrowed more than 90 million, and they are not yet borrowed. September 2007, Yang Moufeng want to invest in the plant because, again raised by one million yuan. Chang Yung-hsin, was just met our financial turmoil, the economy particularly tense, and he is debt, no way to borrow money, so the enemies. Zhang Rong new daughter was also refuses to borrow, uncle and nephew and son on the phone quarreling. Then divide the heritage thing happened, Zhang Rong said a new, inheritance disputes fuse should be encouraged father-in-law, and in this litigation for three years, in addition to beginning talks face to face with the father-in-law, then he has been working with Yang Yang's five children and several risk-fee lawyer commissioned entanglement.

For Zhang Rong Yang Moufeng new Qijiu referred to borrow money due to a dispute in order to encourage the elderly to recover heritage argument, January 6, the reporter called Zhang's father-in-law, Yang Moufeng want to verify the situation, Chen mother was rejected: "It does not matter to me, by not borrow money, all he (Chang Yung-new) with mouth to say. My son is for him to do many things, not to mention borrow money, (Chang Jung new) money to him also reasonable!"

"I believe in the law to deal with, I'm going to take some legal provisions with him." This is the old lady Chen repeatedly stressed word.

Legacy Amount: three hundred million shares are not shareholders?

This amount is 60 million yuan heritage come from? According to the prosecution, said the father-in-law of one, before Yangwen Zhen died, Chang Jung new or purchased separately, or as husband and wife jointly, in Guangzhou, Shantou and other places to purchase 76 sets of real estate, plus the value of others entrusted to purchase more than 300 million of internal non-negotiable stocks, Zhang and Yang, at least in the couple's net worth more than 5 million. Father-in-law in accordance with mainland Succession Act, appeal to the court to recover dead woman's estate are part of the tens of millions of parents huge legacy.

April 3, 2009, Shantou Intermediate People's Court accepted the application for pre-trial custody of property sheets parents, once all of the property seized. But two months later, the Court has gradually re-opened of which 58 sets of real estate, the first instance verdict, the 58 sets of real estate after the death of Zhang Rong newly acquired, it does not belong range of identified heritage.

Zhang Rong said a new, before his wife's death,woolrich usa, a large sewing machine industry competition, low profit margins,woolrich cordura, "The bigger question is when are put Jiucheng business account sales, a considerable part of the money can not be recovered so far." At that time, the devaluation of HKD, RMB appreciation period, he is using the opportunity of low-interest bank loans in Hong Kong,she drove into the traffic po, Hong Kong and some fellow friends and co-borrowing,Wenzhou September 19 Xinhua N,moncler outlet roma, investing in real estate back in Shantou. Zhang Rong said the new,, currently has a large personal loan amount is recorded in several major banks in Hong Kong, according to can test.

"These real estate, there are 58 sets in the two years after his wife's death to cooperate with friends to invest, which is now called my wife's 'legacy' is simply irrelevant."

Zhang Rong said a new, dozens of sets of real estate number sounds impressive, in fact, 71 of the total area of the property and only add more than 2000 square meters.

Chang Jung-in-law had questioned the court re-opened the new machine to take advantage of the rapid transfer of real estate,but now have become a coke." , new Zhang Rong said that real estate does not already own name,woolrich nero, "The house was originally used for investment, some of which rely on borrowing money to purchase the property, the other is with a partner purchase Real estate after a lawsuit involving affecting business and investment partner must withdraw assets only to the mortgage debt to a partner. "

February 2011,outlet peuterey milano, Shantou Intermediate Court of first instance verdict, registered in the name of Zhang Rong new in lifetime purchase 18 sets of real estate, there are a set of prior died for property transfer, the court identified as four sets arrived yet the couple's joint debt. Eventually be incorporated into the new Heritage Chang Jung name assigned only 13 sets of real estate, worth 1333 million yuan,piumini uomo peuterey, of which half is heritage, by the father, the mother of two children, Zhang Rong and new inheritance, each have 133 million Yuan.

Father-in-law had told the media side, Zhang Rong new wife before his death had commissioned others to purchase more than 300 million yuan worth of internal non-tradable shares. Zhang Rong New flatly denies this: "I just introducer, not shareholders."

New to the Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Rong presented a proof: June 2, 2006, the High Court of Hong Kong has done a book for heritage management, and in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, all owned by Mrs. Zhang Rong new legacy inherited.

Zhang Rong said a new, post-1996 immigrants wife in Hong Kong until his death, bank deposits, a total more than 280,000 yuan in cash heritage, which also made a notary in the Hong Kong courts. In the list submitted to the Heritage Chang Jung new Guangdong Provincial High Court, the total value of the estate in Shantou and Hong Kong was 4,025,587 yuan.

Entrepreneurial experience: his wife had never been involved in the business?

The mother-in-law told said: "Tuomeng her daughter to let her back to her ancestral home." This is Zhang Rong new view, is nonsense. A father-in-law had told the media that Zhang Rong new career is "hard work and his wife jointly" only bigger, Chang Jung new one denies this argument. "My wife is a traditional Chaoshan housewife, housework at home after marriage has never been involved in a penny of my business, even my business is not clear how to do." Zhang Rong new stressed that he does not deny his wife During his lifetime for the family to pay, but to clarify her parents a false statement, "I got married a poor and white, but it does rely on their own daring dares, only today's career, I do not understand a father-in-law specifically how to do business, let alone help. "

Zhang Rong new father-in-law thought to each other should return to the "real" level. "The so-called truth, we must first acknowledge my existence, I have been very hard work, all my hard-won." Chang Yung-hsin, his decades of business, from skilled workers to entrepreneurs, quite easy, even on a business trip to South East Asia, Even 20 dollars taxis are reluctant to take the time allowed will choose bus.

"I wish to convey my heartfelt wishes them through the media, cut off my heritage family strife!" Zhang Rong said a new, two children often miss grandparents, her daughter get married this year, also asked whether you want to tell my grandmother cry. "Until now, my family is still, also in favor of court mediation, but they said I did not have so much money,woolrich nuova collezione, we should not put my wife's personal property and heritage confused." Said Chang Yung-new.

However, when the reporter found a new father-in-law Chang Jung in Shantou, the woman still kept their mother Chen Chang Jung condemned the new law, "such a thing dragged on for several years, he has been dragged."

(Original title: The parents of his deceased wife to court to ask for the rich heritage of innocence: I did 500 million net worth)