rickety tables and chairs

Star Village incident Baiyun District and the town, allegedly as a result of land compensation to trace the whereabouts of the airport

"The village held a regular meeting, do not think he was immediately become a 'battlefield', the village party secretary, director of the hospital have been beaten!" Yesterday,but sin not unto death.", Baiyun District, the village and the town of villagers star to Nanfang Daily rebellion, reflected in the village When the party was held, village representatives,cadriano spaccio woolrich, and suddenly there are a bunch of people booing audience, party secretary and village director, who have been injured hospitalized,indirizzo outlet woolrich bologna, the village has not returned to normal office.

Many villagers suspect: Events and meetings set up an inventory of village affairs oversight committee Baiyun Airport third runway use and other relevant land compensation. In response, police have opened investigations. The villagers said that the incident has passed more than a week,giubbotto moncler uomo,Ventured once again fall into, and hope to announce the findings as soon as possible.

Backtracking venue into a "battlefield" three people were wounded

According to villagers' rebellion, reporters yesterday afternoon came to Baiyun District Chinese Medicine Hospital.

On the second floor of the ward, the reporter saw three injured, they all come from the village and the town of Baiyun District, Star, the identity of the two is also rather special - village secretary, village head.

Star party secretary Liang tin full recalled that at 15:00 on November 7 and more, the village held a party,collezione moncler 2012, village representatives,woolrich junior, the main village affairs oversight committee is to study the election of members of the group, about 80 people attended. This is a reasonable and legitimate village "two committees" to work, but suddenly think people became engaged in "battlefield." "I just finished reading the file contents of the follow-up to the election of the town, there is no chance to speak. Suddenly someone booing audience, immediately pushing the podium more than a dozen individuals, sandwiched We fight, get beat like a microphone I "beam Xiquan said he lost a lot of blood on his forehead 8 sewing needle; and the village committee director beams and beads were injured ribs, and tried to mediate the village security staff also injured.

Chinese Medicine Hospital of Baiyun District, Shen doctors said, his head full of tin Liang came to the hospital with blood, his forehead had two wounds, one thirty-four cm long, one of about a centimeter, according to a preliminary diagnosis of CT had a concussion. Reporters saw yesterday, Liang tin full head wound has been stitched, but there is still a trace of his face swollen.

Hospitalized with beams and beads Lianghao Zhao's injury is not light,began to apply today, both the name of the drip, are close to the left rib chunks of tape. Beams and beads have several scars left leg, left hand joints Lianghao Zhao is also a large area of dressing up. "At the time they hit the secretary played very hard, both directly to get hit over the chair,chaussure nike tn requin, secretary of the almost 60 years old, in order to protect him, I Qudang good, the results are hurt." Lianghao Zhao said.

Events of the past and now has more than one week, and injured three people close to 20,000 yuan for medical expenses.

Visited many bloodied conference room

According to the guidelines of the villagers, the reporter then went to the star village. It is understood that the party secretary, the village director hospitalization, there has been no normal office a number of days.

Along the stairs on the second floor conference room,ready for the man, saw sporadic blood and tissue to wipe the blood from time to time. Conference room is a mess, maintained after the incident scene," Because too far away, rickety tables and chairs, on the floor, wall, desktop are clearly visible trail of blood, can be described as shocking, imagine the scene was very intense.

Reporters interviewed on the matter to the Star Village university student surnamed Cao village assistants, he recalled the beginning of the meeting in the afternoon, as the office staff that he is the conference room next to the print-related documents, after the start of the meeting, he heard the party secretary gone a few opening remarks after speaking voice, and then suddenly there came a meeting room very noisy huge sound, and then the computer he is using power outages also estimated the conference room of the big things can happen, Mr. Cao quickly out of the office . "Come to the meeting room door, there were already packed with people, do not squeeze into, probably over two minutes,peuterey baby, Liang Shuji been sweating blood to help out. I think the situation is not good, turned back to the office to pick up phone alarm. "Mr. Cao said he did not see what was happening in the room, but afterwards he can be sure of is that several village party secretary and director have been injured taken to hospital for medical treatment.

"I think it was premeditated, but means very bad." Mr Leung said the presence of the villagers, the original meeting room has a closed-circuit television surveillance, but before the fighting erupted, it was deliberately pulled off the venue gates, resulting in CCTV and so can not work; there are people blocked the entrance to prevent people from outside inside. "Although the scene just after a couple of minutes of chaos,moncler in offerta, but they are all full-beam tin fifty years old, beams and beads is 60 years old, where withstand such a fierce fight."

Although there is no surveillance video leaving, Liang tin full, Lianghao Zhao and other person said, booing, beating a bunch of villagers and some unidentified people,tn requin homme, some of which had a criminal record.

Conjecture and inventory related to land compensation?

Hey meetings, why would move from martial to?

Many villagers suspect: This study was established to meet the financial situation of the village of village affairs oversight committee regarding inventory,outlet peuterey milano.

Leung Tin-wide introduction, the village has more than 4,000 people, the original economy in general, but on good location, just a stone's throw away and the Baiyun Airport. "Baiyun Airport third runway expansion, had imposed on the village land, but we the new village committee in April this year after he took office, only to find the whereabouts of the huge compensation before the relevant paragraph has not been clear." Liang said the whole tin, Therefore, this meeting is for the election of village affairs oversight committee members of the group, in order to ascertain the financial situation of the village in recent years.

Not long ago, the star village commissioned the Guangzhou Xinhua Certified Public Accountants Co., for June 2009 and the town of Baiyun Airport third runway allocated land compensation,a woman wants a coin, young crops compensation, relocation, temporary compensation and resettlement of usage special audit, mainly based on January 1, 2009 to April 30,outlet barberino woolrich, 2011 related to the project accounting records,for frighten her husband, reports, documents and other relevant information and the town of accounting services provided by the center.

Yesterday, the reporter saw a report, published by the Guangzhou Xinhua Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. issued an audit report, which states that a total of Baiyun Airport third runway star village Economic Association 1188.7689 acres of land, the village has received a variety of stars compensation funds totaling approximately 56.18 million yuan,has been to the hospital for , the village in previous years to repay debt and economic union of the various kinds of expenses, and lost money is not in place after about 7.69 million yuan, the new union took over the village of about 15.61 million yuan of funds available. The report concluded that the sum of compensation based on the use of funds have several disadvantages: pay about 4.16 million yuan compensation for young crops shall contract without compensation, but some of them are repeat compensation; Sansha 456,moncler a torino,250 yuan compensation for young crops compensation and no compensation contract ; village cadres to buy social security, to buy food and other gifts lack of legal basis for the expenditure.

Some villagers speculated that it is because of fear irrational use of compensation had been ascertained, pursue the matter, so the village was the venue trouble, indirectly prevent inventory finance. Now the village is equal to "paralyze" the. Cao as college students to residency star village has been almost a year, on the occurrence of such a thing was shocked: "No matter what kind of dispute, all legal means should be used to solve, rather than resorting to violence."

Currently, the police have been to this investigation. "Confessions also recorded too, but still no news for so long, the batterer is still at large." Leung Tin Chuan called authorities can publish the results as soon as possible.

Nanfang Daily reporter intern Lam Fung Hu Liangguang