Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter

Text / Yangcheng Evening News reporter intern Meng Xiao Wen Jianmin

Xu Meizhou, a topic of characters:

◎ He has appeared in the "China good list", was honored as "moving Hainan People"

◎ donate money he owed rent addiction but wandering the streets of Guangzhou

◎ he said, "want to do great", others felt it "strange"

"I beg you not to get rid of me,woolrich outlet, or I can only sleep in the streets,moncler uomo outlet, and I really had no place to go!"

When October 24,but not legally, Guangzhou, a waste recycling boss yet again tactful Bing-hui put forward the "expulsion", hoping to send a homeless old people back home, freeing other local homeless assistance to the more needy, the old man was crying anyway do not want to go.

Yet been rated as "Guangdong good" to rescue homeless people famous, but did not expect this rescue left him embarrassed.

It turned out that he was moved to the rental after rescuers never want to go, a stay is five months, leaving the headache is still, this wandering elderly great background, he called had Selected in 2008, "China good list" and was honored in 2009 "Top Ten People moved to Hainan." But such a nice guy, but never repeated in August 2013 after living on the streets, living under bridges, drinking water, a little charity by good people to fill his stomach.

"He had two sons, but also willing to take him in the past, but he is reluctant to go for such a society have to contribute to a good man, I'm afraid rid of him after the accident, but it is not always afford to live this way . "said Shang Bing-hui distress.

October 25, another volunteer funding will Xu Meizhou to Nanfang Hospital medical examination, if the body is no serious hope Xu Meizhou can do another plan.

Wandering old man "Lai" in rented five months

May 2014, Shang Bing-hui received a phone call, the phone said there is an old people wandering in Guangzhou,woolrich prezzi, hoping that he shelter, "I usually rented a room, is dedicated to those homeless shelter." He very readily agreed.

After that meeting, Shang Bing-hui learned that the old man called , actually played in 2008, "China good list" and was honored as the 2009 "Top Ten People moved to Hainan." Shang Bing-hui learned from the Internet of deeds, but also very moved, especially Xu care, in addition to providing shelter, let the workers give him a meal every day, every month, at least six hundred dollars to his living expenses.

But I never thought that this is a small six months to live, "In the past helped so many tramps never seen not want to go in. And he was here five months of room and board, travel expenses he did not want to give him to go home."

In Xu Meizhou came, yet Bing-hui met a 12-year-old boy, his father died, his mother remarried a young age to live in a nursing home because of illness,spaccio woolrich, nobody nobody asked, he wanted to take over this edge care. So let him go home to discuss with Xu Meizhou, hoping that he vacate the place to give that little boy, I did not expect to go Xu Meizhou say nothing.

"I'm here to save income are generally short-term homeless people, so that they can return to society as soon as possible, but do not have the conditions to help the long-term income, nor is it my intention." Shang Bing-hui said. Yet met a couple of months to live up to the Rangers, but his patience help, eventually contacted the family, including a separation of two years with his family in Heilongjiang homeless deaf man.

Has appeared in the "China good list" of migrant workers

Xu Meizhou What kind of people? How he appeared in the "China good list" of it?

January 26, 2006, Hainan Special Zone News front page story titled "Jixun creditors, I want to pay back the money" has attracted people's attention,hogan interactive, the hero are migrant workers, Hubei Jingshan County, 1996 On the death of his wife Joan later work, in 2004,piumino moncler, Xu Meizhou contracted to build a section of highway in Wenchang City,Electric guitars aren’, but due to the loss of three workers owed several thousand dollars salary. In 2006, when he had some savings after the phone is lost due to not contact creditors to help the media began tracing the newspaper. After the report came out, immediately attracted local attention. The next day, two creditors contacted Xu, Xu immediately also on the 2000 yuan of debt, his hands clasped together three pictures touched countless people of Hainan. Xu Meizhou since been labeled the "integrity model" and other labels synonymous with positive energy.

Hainan Special Zone News is one of the single party being the first reporter to interview year, the memories told Yangcheng Evening News reporter to interview him, "is a very common migrant workers, are determined to repay creditors have been looking at was still very touching, after all the time 'old Lai' a lot,hard 50 yuan, he's such a practice makes a very deep impression. "

2008, "Xu Jinglei migrant workers" because "good faith" moved China, was named secretary of the Central Civilization Office annual group and Chinese civilization network named "China's good list."

In 2009, a news Hainan stir again, this time to report "shabby."

Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter, he has long been engaged in Hainan stirring concrete work, done for a long time, they come to see some of the doorways, some black heart of the contractors often cut corners, a large number of low-quality cement to reduce costs, leaving His strange thing is, these are not up to standard at the time of acceptance of the road works are qualified. This phenomenon allows Xu Meizhou very angry,nike tn prezzo, repeatedly reported to the authorities. In 2009,piumini moncler, Xu Meizhou selected as "Top Ten People moved to Hainan" one. Edit: Wu Carven


"Honesty good" rent owed more than four months leave

2012,For the driver scolded the ch, Hainan network a "moral model many times to help the lives of others down and money to cure" Let into the public view again, and attracted the attention of government departments. It is understood that Xu Meizhou donations received was 6,tiffany milano,000 yuan, the relevant departments also said it would help him arrange a job, solve their source of livelihood problems.

said, is his sense of justice, after multiple reports rubbish road, he lost his job,nike tn air, there is no source of income, and often someone called to threaten him, "warned you not nosy, otherwise no good end, "" I'm careful you to death. "

Xu Meizhou told Yangcheng Evening News reporter, Hainan local government to help him arrange a waste collection work to give help, because the boss is a deaf inconvenient exchange, but also some problems of his own body, and therefore refused the job.

Gradual loss of livelihood sources more distress, but this time he was more intense sense of social justice, to buy four or five newspapers a day, examine the latest hot spots, "I reside in a simple room, Interpreting the world!"

Xu Meizhou said he believes good turn deserves another, "My life is a minimum standard on the line, I am worthy of this society,"My marriage is not too trick, you see me now in addition to back pain, sore throat, whatever the disease are not, this is a good newspaper!" Xu Americas smiling, told reporters.

But in August 2013, more than four months because of owed rent of 1,000 yuan, he was the landlord ask a rental, then embarked on a journey Guangzhou help.

In Guangzhou, his ambition has not been cast, according to Xu Jinglei's idea, he wanted to help charitable people of Guangzhou, to give him money, he used after the operation, specifically to help people in need. Xu Meizhou told reporters that he had recourse to several charitable organizations, but no one to help him, he had lived to the rescue shelter, but not to live long after the living. Subsequently, Xu street.

Donations addiction, family leave

"I used to earn 30 dollars one hour, the longest time did four days and five nights, earn more than others out several times,moncler sito ufficiale, I put a minimum standard of their own lives, fight some more to help people in trouble." . Speaking've done a good thing, Xu Meizhou face is proud expression.

Xu Meizhou, as long as he meets people who need help, will try to help. Although the report after the incident, his source of income by a significant impact, plus a big year after the original construction sites also can not do manual labor, but it is also preoccupied with helping others. "When I rent a neighbor, but also the field to work, fifty years old, because the rent owed will be cast out, although I did not know him, but also to help he gave two hundred dollars to pay the rent."

For this reason, the two sons could not stand his father's generosity,woolrich outlet, left him to go to work, rarely met since then.

"I am unworthy of my son, when ten years have not even married to a son of a penny,The Promise doors and Wudang , but it will not stop me to help others."

"I do not live to myself, I want to achieve my goal was busy, want to do great things, these little things can not do," which is Xu Meizhou most repeated word.

"I want to buy five copies of the newspaper every day, I am very concerned about national affairs, and I know a lot of the dark side of this society, I would like to change the world, but on my own there is no way to achieve, needs a loving owner to help me invest operation in order to complete my cause. My goal is the most advanced of the world, to be peace and harmony. "Xu Meizhou excitedly described to reporters from the ideal society and the great goal of his mind.

Others worry that they have delusions

Xu Meizhou Shang Bing-hui rental located upstairs in scrap yards, the reporter to inquire about purchasing worker Xu impression, the answer is "strange, room and board is still the boss, but never too busy to help him down but not . "

Shang Bing-hui to reporters, he read a newspaper every day in the room, but also often write about painting. "Often said he wanted to change this society, so that everyone can afford housing, affordable wedding knot, seek care, go to school. My workers are reluctant to talk to him, every talk is the way to save the world They are worried that he is not delusional. "

Shang Bing-hui said he often went to rescue some of the Rangers, Xu Meizhou never reluctant to go along, a reporter asked why not help doing charity Xu little things, Xu Meizhou said, "I'm busy, I want to busy event."

Shang Bing-hui, said Xu Meizhou two sons work in the north, have been married, he had many times to contact them, but never succeeded. And Xu Meizhou repeatedly stressed that he did not want to go home,it was Wu Jingjing., do not want to live with his son. "Before I slept on the streets, under bridges, drinking water, and sometimes only one day of instant noodles, hard enough,Ho Ho was diagnosed with medu, no one to help me. Now the boss is still here, eat well put me to sleep, the same day as the Chinese New Year."

The reporter called the phone Guangzhou rescue shelter staff said the relief stations in Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province, only to have accounts to help homeless people, homeless people for the provinces to do what you can temporarily provide 1-2 days accommodation and eating problems, and help them to contact the rescue shelter domicile, if you can help them return home to buy a return ticket. But if all the homeless in the city of Guangzhou, provides a long-term stay, then there is no way Guangdong digestion.

Before I left, Xu Meizhou car chasing reporters interview, "you help me find a boss, I have 50,000 dollars funding, will be able to start my career!" Editor: Wu Carven

(Original title: migrant workers appeared in the "China good list" donations addiction owe rent wandering the streets of Guangzhou)

intern reporter Wang Xuan Hui Zhang Ying

Legal Evening News (intern reporter Wang Xuan Hui Zhang Ying) Harbin, "1, 2" fire has in the past five days, tomorrow is the sacrifice of the five fire fighters, "the first seven", this 5 '90' youngest hero Only 18 years old, the oldest was 22 years old. In the painful memory of their public, but also caused deep regret: they are so young!

"Legal Evening News" reporter to incomplete statistics, according to news media reports over the past six years, 25 firefighters from the fire accident casualties, a total of 37 firefighters at the expense, of which 24 artificial "90", accounting for nearly 70%, even 5 people sacrifice Shihai under 20 years of age.

When a five-year veteran of the fire fighters after children Fujian guy told France late reporter,Ma Si animal husbandry has be, said, "Some of the local Fire Brigade personnel shortage in the event of a large fire,Mr. Zhang happens through her, the only let the newly hatched young recruits perform firefighting. recruits respond to changing scene of the fire caused by the possibility of the greater tragedy. "

Professor, Department of Fire Command Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy Benli Lee told reporters analysts pointed out that changes to existing firefighters employed a short time, lack of experience the problem, not only for the protection of firefighters, but also to improve the level of disaster response, to protect public life and property safety, has a positive meaning. "From a global perspective, the system is a mainstream career firefighters, but also the future direction of development."

Fire pain of 37 firefighters at the expense of nearly 7 percent, "90"

Harbin fire hero sacrificed five fire fighters in the smallest one, only 18 years and five months, he is September 1, 2014 enlisted.

According to China's current military regime,nike tn femme, under normal circumstances, around September 10,a boss would be selected and the Yakuza was formed. The tattoos became a symbol of loyalty to the boss. Even today, he will enter the recruits even start training for a period of three months. After that, he will be assigned to the Fire Squadron became the official fire soldiers.

"Legal Evening News" reporter from the inventory of the 25 casualties have firemen fires in the past six years, resulting in a total of 37 firefighters killed, including 24 man 25 years of age "90."

February 2012, Suzhou fire fighters Sun Maohui shelf collapsed during the fire because of the sacrifice,moncler uomo outlet, only 22 years old; in March 2012, Shaoxing,abercrombie outlet, Zhejiang Tian Sijia fire fighters are blast threw himself at the fire sacrifice, only 25 years old; 2013 1 month, Hangzhou Xiaoshan fire fighters Yinjin Liang, Chen Wei,peuterey outlet, due to wind mutation in the warehouse when the fire sacrifice,Customs responsible person, the trio were only 27 years old, 20 years old, 19 years old ......

"The young firefighters lack sufficient knowledge, skills and experience. Sacrificial fire fighters average age is relatively low, and the lack of experience is also a relationship." Retired fire with experienced veterans Wuchun Sen said.

November 25, 2014, 24-year-old retired from Xiamen Siming fire brigade. From recruits to the main squad leader, he has worked for five years, "Fire."

Wu Chunsen to France later told reporters that he was in the army in 2009, graduated from high school. "The first three months of training, the first one month to go queue, behind the shop two months before contacting with water, the fire service ladders and other basic learning class move."

After three months of training recruits, he was assigned to each squadron. Under normal circumstances, let the recruits are beginning to follow to help do some basic, send the equipment to work, until learning exercise enough, and will arrange them on fire. "In fact, in the event of a large fire, appeared understaffed,such a personalized wedding expenses, but also make these recruits." said.

Professor, Department of Fire Command Chinese People's Armed Police Force Academy Benli Lee told reporters analysis, an ordinary fireman, from entering the industry to be familiar with the equipment,piumini moncler, training,giubbotti moncler, to grasp only two years of accumulated experience. "Turnover cycle is short, the frequent movement of longer accumulation and human experience in terms of stability, some negative factors."

Fire recruits most embarrassing situation for two years on veterans

For firefighters, the face of fire, how to observe its members, determines the likelihood of collapse and perhaps more important work. Tongji University, Professor Xu has summed up tips,about to fall on the occasion, "Liang column bent or cracked tiles broken,hogan uomo, immediately see to retreat; and column node if cracking adventure fighting not to be."

However, most of the fire recruits veterans must dry for two years. Our subject for active duty firefighters police officers, according to the military regime, the service period of two years. That is,the estimated total price of , an ordinary fireman into the army, in just two years of accumulated experience,hogan outlet italia, if you can not turn noncommissioned officers, veterans faced.

Even if it can turn non-commissioned officers, in the long term career prospects are relatively narrow, many experienced practitioners in the golden age of firefighters often choose to leave the industry.

Because things seriously, a fire dares dare, just enlisted in the third year of Wuchun Sen was appointed as the main squad leader. When encountered disaster areas of jurisdiction, the main class is always the first run ahead. He was born in 1990 with a smaller than their two-year-old member of the main class,moncler outlet, 24-hour standby. "A very full day, not in the fire, that is in training."

Wuchun Sen said that each time the fire, firefighters wearing breathing apparatus entered the scene, you need to find the first time the ignition point, but because the smoke is too large, and often can not see the front of the case,tn requin pas cher, only water to create vision. "Sometimes, extinguished the fire did not know he was about to explode in front of the gas bottle. Our troops are trained for a long time, this would have on the do not have the slightest hesitation."

Wu Chunsen introduced him two years ago to join a monthly allowance of 300 yuan, beginning in the third year, there are more than 2000 yuan monthly salary. After the class leader, more than 80 yuan monthly salary than regular soldiers.

Wuchun Sen admitted that "there is no future development prospects, how can settle down to a good learning experience in the fire service knowledge accumulated in the body's energy into training go?"

Expert analysis

Firemen should "occupation"

"From a global perspective,moncler outlet, the system is a mainstream career firefighters, but also the future direction of development." Lee said principal and interest, to keep the backbone, firefighters need to career development. "Like in the US, Germany, Japan,only 15 years old, four or five-year-old still can do professional combatants, they rely on equipment and equipment to operate. In China's active system, there can be so for decades 'fire age' old firefighter. "Benli said Lee. In many parts of our country, fire equipment and equipment limited, "in this case, to recruit servicemen,http://www.home-staging-deco.fr/, keeping younger combat level of quality can make up for lack of equipment problems."

Most developed countries have implemented professional firefighting system, when firefighters have high barriers to entry, and also generous benefits.

At present, China has not quite perfect fire protection statistics, local can see the data show that the proportion of Chinese casualties firefighters reached about 1:20. Professional firefighters has become essential.

Edition text / reporter intern Wang Xuan Hui Zhang Ying

(Original title: 37 firefighters sacrificed nearly 70% after 90)

do not feel convinced

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Dazhong Binzhou September 11 (Reporter Chen Sheng Kun hair Ji Xuemin) Recently, one called "Zhanhua Botou town mayor Liu XX battered women, there is a video with the truth! "The post has fueled concern in the public forum, the video, a woman with children by a man who repeatedly shoving and kicking. According to friends broke the news that the hit man for Binzhou Zhanhua Botou town party secretary Liu XX. Dazhong reporters rushed to the incident this morning interview,l6qLesUgbl, beaten women shop already Source: Sina podcast closed, according to the day of the incident,tn nike pas cher, said witnesses and the batters,nike tn, hit the town party secretary Liu Botou a, while the original cause of the incident is Zhang and two other girls have picked a big town government yard rose, dissatisfied by the town government fines and blackouts, which triggered a "reasoning" is playing the event.

Video playback: "white shirt man" pushing kicking women,woolrich outlet,the actual installed two tons, more than men, "crowd"

User "book1" posted in the forum "hit video" length of 2 minutes 28 seconds. At the beginning of the video, a woman with a child standing in their twenties and thirties of the entrance, the building looks like talking to people, video playback to about 7 seconds, a middle-aged man dressed in a white shirt man from the building out, and walked straight in front of the woman body and pushed her hard one. In the video, the man repeatedly pulled and kicked the woman in the video is about 1 minute 20 seconds, "white shirt man" once again kicked the woman and pushed to the ground.

Reporter posted in users' hit video "to see women gets shoved and kicked in the process, seven or eight men out from the building, trying to persuade women to leave the beaten here,parajumpers paris, in addition to the first occurrence "White shirt men", others did not do it.

Friends broke the news: Women's reasoning was beaten, fined defloration causes that discussion to say

Why conflict occurs in the video? Why people batterer? In the forum,hogan outlet, users "few words" about his or her knowledge of some cases in the thread. The friends said,peuterey prezzi, was beaten woman surnamed Zhang, from Binzhou Zhanhua Kyushu phone Botou town hypermarkets, was because the government hospital in the town of defloration was fined 1,000 yuan.

Netizen "little words" Post said: Zhang was fine after a few days, there are two other little girl picking flowers in the courtyard of the town government, also ended in failure is the fate of a fine, when two little girls from Zhang Department After confirming this, do not feel convinced, threatened to go to find a sensible place, Zhanhua Botou town government office staff think this thing is Zhang's instigation,bags swelled up, he gave this piece of hydropower all disabled. Zhang had to talk to the town government to explain,gucci borse, but not only did not listen together mayor Liu explained,nike tn italia, and shout out, even fight, so they video the scene took place,the establishment of corporate system, the users said that the batterer is the Zhanhua Park Town mayor Liu together.

Reporters Survey: Witnesses said the beatings and the hitters are Botou town party secretary

This morning, the reporter came Dazhong Zhanhua Botou town and to investigate the incident. Dazhong reporter at the scene saw the woman was hit Kyushu Zhang business phone supermarkets have closed their doors, the reporter learned from the mouth of a neighbor Zhang causes of things.

According to Zhang's neighbor introduced in about three or four months ago, Zhang yard to Botou town government picked a rose, after being found in the town government staff, public facilities necessary to destroy the "charges" against Zhang fined 1000 yuan,Photos are being shot from wh, Zhang believes very unreasonable,peuterey donna, refused to pay a fine, so, the town government stopped Zhang electrical shops and surrounding shops, in order not to affect the neighbors, Zhang will be handed a fine.

In September 9,acts with women forced to have sex, another two girl picking flowers in the town government hospital was found, also fined 1,000 yuan, but two penalties were fined very unhappy Botou town government staff thought it was fined before Zhang from the instigation of, so he stopped the electricity Zhang and neighbors shop. Zhang town government for this behavior in the offing, he took the children to the town government to "have a say", and then they video scene.

It is a dare to expose the identity of the witnesses, the batterer is Botou town party secretary Liu together. Dazhong reporters landed Zhanhua people's government network, the information from the site leader column, searched Liu combined information of their duties as deputy party secretary, the division is "hosted the town authorities daily work." Today,rice cookers,woolrich sito ufficiale,width 40 cm. Air Vent under a headboard stained with blood, around 12:00, the reporter found Dazhong Zhang was beaten, according to its proven,moncler outlet, the day she was beaten Botou town party secretary Liu together, the cause is because the town government picked rose fined to seek explanation.

Contact Dazhong reporters repeatedly telephone Botou town government, but as of press time reporter, the other has not yet responded to this incident. Dazhong reporters will continue to focus on this event, and send back tracking reports.

it will not give up the rescue

A first-aid, confuse God Shenzhen Children's Hospital medical staff Surgery six quiet life. April 25, four age children Tong Xiaofeng (a pseudonym) hospitalized due to cerebral trauma, suffered from brain hemorrhage, preparation for surgery laboratory Shique find out that it is AIDS. This unexpected discovery made six health care workers involved in the rescue and post-blood heart panic, the children were blunt head injuries,the customer is likely to cat, severe bleeding, and his mother deliberately concealed the disease, were involved in the rescue personnel dressed in ordinary guards,moncler outlet online, dressing, wound treatment When there is direct contact with the blood of children.

"Even if the body has a very small wound, as long as the blood spattered children, the possibility of being infected with HIV is very large," so that the doctor was scared Zhu Fengjun, if not in the preoperative routine examination found that children have AIDS, the consequences could be disastrous. Fortunately, for all the medical staff in the hospital last week, H IV display showing negative screening and found no HIV. Let indignation six health care is the son of the boy's mother had known the condition, but before the rescue to deny the child has any communicable diseases, deliberately concealed. Azhu boy's mother (a pseudonym) explained: "Do not say it is worried that the hospital refused to know after treatment."

Boys fall rail head bleeding

On Friday, the old man in the Shenzhen Railway Station family slapstick, accidentally fall onto the tracks, the head of the ground, bleeding, family emergencies will be sent to the Shenzhen Children's Hospital.

According to aid processing, the nurse in charge of children should be detailed history, whether it has a history of infectious diseases. But the day care director asked Ms. Shi Pan Azhu when the answer is no child diseases. At the signing of the admission form,moncler milano, if there is a history of infectious disease field, Azhu fill a decisive "no" word.

Due to be blunt sprain, there is a small peak of the head two to three cm laceration,is to find a professional tea, bleeding, medical staff must make decisive stitches. After bleeding, X-ray examination showed intracranial bleeding, the need for close observation. Be admitted to hospital doctors, preoperative blood tests. April 26,kY6vWkzyeK, the small peak hospitalized the next day, sent emergency hematology pathology report the results to the attending physician Zhu Fengjun surprise, the report shows the children found in the blood of HIV.

Zhu Fengjun memories, a small peak admission fever began to appear, could not find the reason, the original low-grade fever is the onset of a clear sign of AIDS. The day of the rescue, said the child Azhu clearly no infectious diseases, and time is running late to a blood test, medical personnel involved in the rescue were dressed in ordinary guards. In accordance with the provisions of the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, if AIDS patients, to rise to senior guard rescue process. But concealed the disease,his boss and a mall because the borrower disputes, health care workers involved in the rescue were close contact with the child's blood or body fluids, "Although wearing masks, but once blood splashed in the eyes, but also a terrible thing," even if the child's sweat,nike tn air, tears, have infection , but then we are not aware of the risks.

Children with mothers admit children suffering from AIDS

Hospital laboratory pathology report on small peaks show the discovery of HIV blood tests,scarpe nike tn,Click here to learn more, to be safe, it is recommended for small peak for the second blood test. Hearing this news,chaussures tn, so little involved in the rescue doctor has a cool mind. Although the need to determine the second test, but the hospital H IV detection accuracy is high, there will be no fundamental error. In the day of the rescue, has been involved in a small cut line, direct contact with the blood, and gave her a small peak stitches doctor Zhu Fengjun, as are three exposure.

When the nurse on duty raised on a small peak for a second blood test to determine whether the risk of AIDS, Azhu flatly refused. At the same time, she was admitted to hospital with AIDS son, because she herself is also based on mother to child transmission channels, ie children born with AIDS. Fearing inform the hospital, the doctor will give up the rescue, life-threatening son,hogan outlet, so to conceal the truth. Azhu said she was from Hubei, came to Shenzhen is overwhelmed with his son,you would not refer to me, the parents go out to relax. Now, the small peak fever situation has occurred, the local doctor has told very small peak next year,moncler sito ufficiale, however. She knew she had little time with their children,louboutin soldes, hoping to take advantage of physical condition permits to go out for a walk, who knows tells accidents.

Subsequently, the hospital started emergency procedures, immediately sent to the isolation ward of small peaks observed all aspects of all medical equipment sterilization. Hospital survey found that day health care workers involved in the rescue and post-blood total of six people, including two doctors, four nurses, all health care workers to suspend work immediately, immediately conduct H IV virus checking. 21-year-old nurse involved in the rescue little quiet, so far has not breathed God, "with the family did not dare say, for fear the family worried" because the pressure is too great, the night did not sleep a wink all know the news that day.

The director is responsible for retaining pins President said that the medical staff at the time of the needle is a needle injuries are things occasionally happen, and a small peak of wounds or open wounds, once the patient's blood into the body of a doctor, a very terrible thing. Mother Aiko heart understandable, but the medical staff is very innocent, but fortunately in time, otherwise it would be unthinkable.

Health care workers temporarily exclude the risk of infection

Fortunately, in the hospital last week to start checking in H IV, six health care test results were negative,nike requin pas cher, temporarily eliminate the risk of infection H IV virus. Because HIV has a certain incubation period, six health care workers have to do once a month H IV testing, has been observed to last for six months, to ensure that all safe.

This news Zhu Fengjun somewhat depressed, he and his wife want children now,a knife to cut, because of this accident, made plans may no longer be postponed for six months. Although we hide the condition of the patient's family some criticism, but still possible for a small peak best treatment. Komine signs of intracranial hemorrhage is absorbed, he suggested that conservative treatment, child physical weakness, not suitable for craniotomy, proved correct suggestion. Later, Zhu Fengjun Azhu find apologize disclose conceal child illness really a last resort, because of concerns children living with HIV, the doctor refused to treat before choosing silence.

Zhu Fengjun excusable but feel helpless. He said that even if they know the child is living with AIDS, it will not give up the rescue, but the medical staff can better protect themselves, to avoid the risk of infection, which was originally to be ended pile treatment because Azhu concealment, somewhat regrettable . On Tuesday, five days after admission, as the son of the injury improves, Azhu remove a child from the hospital to return Hubei.

"Almost everyone carries infectious diseases of children, parents will not truthfully inform the disease, even chasing asked the medical staff,spaccio moncler," the hospital relevant responsible person said, the chance of daily treatment of hepatitis B or syphilis in children experiencing relatively high, these are are at high risk of infectious diseases, medical staff in the rescue protective equipment to be upgraded. But frustration is that, out of privacy considerations, or other factors, health care initiative to ask whether the child has a history of infectious disease, when most parents mollified, the risk to the health care push.

(Stringing people: Miss Cao rebellion Award: 200 yuan)

Written: Southern Reporter Wenting


AIDS patients have to rise to senior guard rescue

In accordance with the provisions of the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control, if AIDS patients, to rise to senior guard rescue process, in addition to health care workers must be heavily armed, wearing a full double gowns,even if you turn up in the circle of friends, wearing three layers of gloves, wear safety glasses,moncler donna, the surgical instruments are passed between health care To extreme caution. With a small instrument, the nurse first handed the instrument into the tray in front of the doctor,sito ufficiale moncler, who then carefully lift; with a large instrument, the instrument tip nurse will align themselves, the end of the alignment doctor, then handed the doctor. Rescue use medical devices including medical waste disposal have to be independent, to avoid the possibility of cross-infection.

Mothers of children with HIV dialogue Azhu

I feel very guilty

South are: in addition to not worry about their children treatment, what causes you do not want to start telling the truth?

Azhu: this sick child, after all, is not a particularly glorious thing, not a last resort, I do not want others to know.

South are: Later this thing was exposed, how did you face them?

Azhu: I feel very ashamed, because my selfishness, which led them to fear, I feel very sorry for them. I helped them all to pray, and hope to see God in them are good, I do not get this disease.

South are: Do you regret it, to conceal the truth of things?

Azhu: regret, if a start to know they will not give up the rescue, not to hide, then see them so, in fact, I was very upset.

South are: know the child's condition after the hospital's attitude has changed?

Azhu: No, they are very good, the child is also very good, no tantrums, the more so, the more I feel guilty. If there is something similar in the future, I will not do that anymore.

(Original title: Children with HIV disease because of injury hospitalization is implicitly triggered panic)

Hwang forthright fame in the circle of friends

Chutianjinbao News (reporter Zhou Yixiong correspondent Li Yusheng) storekeeper six years, "ant" moved the company millions of assets still on the cyberspace fierce sun shine off their wealth, police officers collaborated with the company uncovered "ghost . " Yesterday, police announced the new East suspected positions occupied suspects Hwang criminal detention.

July 31 this year,the album is to eat or drink, a new East area manager Kim rushed to the concentric the report, said the company continuously received and signed "YW" anonymous e-mail,louboutin femme, "company employees carrying paper bags work,outlet piumini, when I saw bag fitted with the company's upper half exposed product packaging boxes,the first time with the kindergarten teachers, appeals to the imagination; and the people in the field,peuterey outlet, the family is not very rich, but people feel strange is that in recent years, the mobile phone is a high-end brand Tyrant gold, all wear name brand,from the outset,woolrich sito ufficiale, but also a district is preparing to buy the mansion renovation, recently also learn to drive, big spenders. "

Police investigators went to investigate and found that the company's employees were reported Hwang storekeeper. Police arranged a police disguised as a corporate employee, every day,woolrich donna, together with the company security personnel closely monitored Hwang's every move.

August 19, when the police investigation while Hwang met in its paper bag discovered the secret: a paper bag filled with dozens of neat yet unopened called "IGBT" electrical components, each component worth more than a thousand Yuan, the light on the value of the paper components million yuan. When the end of the meeting,piumini moncler,was found when the rain feet off the ground, Hwang carrying bag, when swaggering toward the factory gate, was stopped by police and company security personnel.

Hwang explained, after 2009 as a material storekeeper, they wonder, "how to make a fortune." By chance, he knows there is a warehouse of precision components imported from Germany "IGBT" module,two children's nightmare begins., valuable, hot on the market. He installed after using the bag, take home for sale online, and then took advantage of his position to make false accounts to smooth out.

First, we sold nearly 5,000, and since then got out of hand.

Once you have money, usually more frugal Hwang generous up gradually, he began to buy designer clothes,What form of charity in the end, mobile phones with high-end brands, but also go out to eat,tn requin pas cher,is actually a debit card.", drink,nike air max, lavish,spaccio woolrich, it is a prime location to buy houses in Wuhan, ready to get married after the renovation. In order to show off their success, Everywhere tour he took "the rich according to" sun in cyberspace,nike tn air, over time,really strange, Hwang forthright fame in the circle of friends,parajumpers pas cher, his vanity was great to meet.

According to the company's preliminary estimate of clean-up, this six-year period the company lost millions of dollars worth components, the subsequent impact is difficult to assess. Police initially identified by the audit,woolrich prezzi, Hwang has more than 60 million in illegal profits.

Currently, the case is under further investigation.

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we saw some families abroad cafes

The couple has a job but to resign, to sell the house and the car, so that is a grade three children drop out and follow them to the global travel. If you encounter such a couple, you might say, "They're crazy!" Jining Yanzhou may indeed have such a couple - Zhai Feng and Sun Hong Yan, they order "to the world for a while, leave some footprints," it really did. Such a couple has a kind of life? Before the couple and the children arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Journal reporter went to Yanzhou, interview the couple.

Message: Zhai, you quit his job, sold the house and car to go around the world, some people admire your courage, but also for you cast a strange look.

Zhai Feng: The idea has been to give birth to a long time, not a spur of the moment, nor is optimistic.

Message: how would think so?

Zhai Feng: I am a native of Yanzhou people, born in 1977, his father working in Yanzhou railway, his father was a photography enthusiast,louboutin homme pas cher, grew up influenced by his father, I also love to travel. So when test hours, Xuzhou Railway transport school exam. After graduation,louboutin pas cher, I was in Yanzhou worked as a railroad worker. Outside of work, more like a sightseeing tour. Luckily, later I met my wife (Sun) macro rock, she is also working on the railway, but also loves to travel. Two people who like to travel together, life was gusto.

Ready to resign, to sell the house, sell the car, has planned one year. June of this year I'll sell the house and the car, quit work.

Message: make such a decision, there should be a lot of courage.

Zhai Feng: It is changing the way we travel, starting in 2008, my wife and daughter kept in domestic and international tourism, have become accustomed to this kind of "wandering" of life. The first time, the macro does not rock like me obsessed, but then I guided her, she is more and more like it.

Message: In your opinion, tourism is one thing to bring you a new life.

Zhai Feng: We first out is very simple, that is,piumini woolrich, go out for fun. In the tourism process, contact a lot of people, a lot of friends, I found my life slowly changed. Things changed for decades static, then I'll take his wife and children to feel these things, the nature of the good feelings can not be found in the city. Each place has different customs and customs, have different lifestyles.

Waiting for you to travel back, you will find back to show in front of you is a new lifestyle and philosophy, so you will experience the joy of travel and nature bring you beautiful.

At first, I was out a month or two months or even a year's time, but then I found such a short time, I went totally inadequate awareness of this new world. Later we returned from the field Yanzhou found around colleagues and friends more and no common language, and sometimes it is also difficult to communicate.

Message: You and the people around exchanges increasingly difficult?

Zhai Feng: Yes, it does have some difficult exchanges.

Jining Yanzhou is a county-level city under a small, relatively closed in all aspects. Because there are many times before to travel abroad experience, and indeed we saw with different local cultural customs. For example, we saw some families abroad cafes, this cafe is very good, we also want to run this place could be in Yanzhou franchise? These comparisons ya meaning of things in our small city simply can not do it. Since it did not, we would go outside to feel it.

Acknowledges the road often "adventure"

Message: You took from the 2008 tour of your wife and children everywhere, all these years you have been to where?

Zhai Feng: home,boutique louboutin paris, I only Xinjiang, Fujian, Heilongjiang and Jilin have not been to other places we have been to a 3. Been foreign Nepal, Thailand, Laos and other countries.

Message: 4 years,christian louboutin homme, and you travel much by what means?

Zhai Feng: from the initial ride bicycles, motorcycles and later the driving tour. Although before you buy a car, but most still riding a motorcycle. Because motorcycle traveling freely, lightweight,louboutin, fuel-efficient energy saving, generally places can be reached.

Message: go to these places alone?

Zhai Feng: not alone, most of us a three, and sometimes friends and a car. I went to the scenic not everyone frequented, mostly to some virgin territory, and local people have not been to the place you are interested in.

Message: with his wife and children to a virgin, it will take a great risk.

Zhai Feng: the risk is there, in addition to the risk of geography, as well as human factors on the risk. Once in a place of tourism, the locals knife forced to take the money and let the dog bites, do not take money to let go, now that I think sometimes is really an adventure. But over the years, most of it is smooth. After we went to the local, and local residents will soon be able to integrate together.

Message: You a three run more than four years the number of miles?

Zhai Feng: We have to use different parts of travel, such as some places in Tibet motorcycle also do not increase, we will choose to walk. As the years went out the number of kilometers, really did not count the ways, such estimates that, at least a dozen ten thousand kilometers of it.

Journal: What grade children read now?

Zhai Feng: 3rd grade elementary school children now.

Message: Your house has now been sold?

Zhai Feng: the house has been sold, the cars are sold. 128 square meters of houses sold 320,000 cars sold 48,000, about 400,000 currently raised, to foreign countries to buy the boat to spend about 25 million.

Message: To travel, you choose to sell a house, a car or even quit his job, how does your family think of your practice?

Zhai Feng: family certainly are opposed. You are now eight children through the day? This is a bloody fool! His father has gone, his mother 62 years old, his mother strongly opposed. My brother on my approach also did not understand, he does not advocate I do, but also very support me to do so. After all, are now married, my practice, he could not interfered, he was helpless, and I have said many times do wrong. Father-in-law is strongly opposed to the other side, they do not want their daughters to follow me to take risks,mulberry outlet, no work had no life unfunded day.

Message: children learn well in school, right?

Zhai Feng: children in school is very good, the annual honor roll student, outstanding student, every year,scarpe hogan, send a certificate, test scores are almost always out.

Message: Do you take the kids to travel, you have not carefully considered the child's future education?

Zhai Feng: Our initial plan is that we take teaching, she is now on the grade 3, we will for her tuition along the way, to teach her to learn. In this process, we will contact the teacher, so the teacher then guidance.

Supposed to have enough money to spend during travel

Message: Now that you have resigned?

Zhai Feng: I have already resigned, the resignation will leave more than 4000 yuan per month to my original post.

Message: Do you think your wife how resign choose?

Zhai Feng: In the beginning, his wife does not understand, then after my repeated efforts, the wife eventually agreed, after we reach a consensus, I resigned. After the resignation of the children to travel together with his wife.

Message: When you quit, you rely on selling, selling cars money can not prop up the costs along the way, in the future the travel process, travel and living expenses you how to solve?

Zhai Feng: I have a shop, these future expenses while I travel, some souvenirs in the shop while I'm in a foreign country will be found to sell to support the costs of the three of us travel. Also some small plan, for example, you want to go to the island have not been to, but can not go, we can write your wish on our sailboat, sailing we reach the island, we will message you wish shot down, sent to you via e-mail, and then charge a fee.

During the next trip, I will go to some who have not been to the island, some specimens collected on the island, these specimens will also be another way to support my future travel costs. During our trip is to travel together and we enjoy the process,Jiangsu Province, after all, most people can not go to those places where we go, so we can interact through the Internet and other media. If you are interested in where we go,now drilling., and you can also take our boat with us to go.

Journal: Over the years, the travel process, has accumulated a wealth of first-hand information, right?

Zhai Feng: real "war" really accumulated a lot of data, have some experience, it should be said that travel for me,chaussures louboutin hommes, I seem to be born is to travel.

Message: For future travel, how do you plan?

Zhai Feng: I have not conducted an overly long-term plans, some things constantly changing, we will side road in the process, while changing. Currently I am planning to go to a place, you should be able to use five to six years to finish. (Along with go on a trip, how her daughter's education do? Sell the house,small losses, how do life in the future? See version A28)

About the future, Zhai Feng and Sun Hong rock couple have their own set of theories. Children's education? Universal Travel perhaps more than in school more, she lost only the school, but it is to get a fresh world. The work? No, tourism is to jump out of the nine to five life. House, car? Did not think so much, because there are many uncertainties, so why let these worldly possessions tied his footsteps dream it?

This is not called to give up learning, which can only be said to be temporarily abandoned school. If you learn outside school than in school, why do you go back to school?

I came to this world to take this trip, not just for children, nurturing offspring and reproduce offspring. I do not know if I can be much longer, I do not know Zhai Feng can live long, but I hope I can live the way some wider, I came to this world to go back, to leave some footprints.

- Sun Hong Yan

◎ on education do not want to send their children when the animal in captivity

Message: This time five or six years, you and your wife on the way to educate their children.

Zhai Feng: not only is our education, during which we will contact with her teacher,A helping hand, through Internet and telephone, work together to educate their children.

Message: You travel around the world, language is a barrier.

Zhai Feng: The problem I thought about it, me and my wife's language is not very good, we did some preparation before the language course abroad, we walked, she asked, while learning.

Message: Do you travel with children to learn this way,louboutin homme pas cher, it will not delay the child?

Zhai Feng: I think I took my children out, more good than harm, this growth of the child is very meaningful. There are a lot of people overseas while traveling with children while learning, this is not my initiative and macros rock, which is a precedent in foreign countries, successful experience, we learn it. Where you kids to experience the nature, much better than in the classroom learning.

Message: If you have one day to complete your travel plans, and whether you will continue to the school children go?

Zhai Feng: This depends on the choice of her own, if she wanted to step by step class, we would send her into the classroom.

Message: If she does not choose to go back to school, you are not to give up the child's learning?

Zhai Feng: This is not called to give up learning, which can only be said to be temporarily abandoned school. If you learn outside school than in school, why do you go back to school? In this process, we teach children language, mathematics, I believe we can teach. In the process around and let her contact with foreigners, learning a foreign language in a foreign environment to go, I believe that children learn a foreign language will be better than the classroom. You know, some students will be sent home for parents to dirty clothes to wash, which is education,was rushed by ambulance to ho, which is to learn? Now the child's education is often ring up like animals in captivity.

Message: children out of school, the school is to say?

Zhai Feng: I schools before and the communication. Our family abroad this year in November, but also to return again next year in June. Children leaving school in November and we are together, the children drop out stage.

Message: Do you travel with children, happy children do?

Zhai Feng: children will be happy to travel with us.

Message: you within this year, what travel plans?

Zhai Feng: before March next year, we are in Malaysia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Singapore and other countries. These places have a lot of wonderful destinations. After July next year, we will go to the north, to the Hokkaido area. November next year, we will go to Australia area.

Message: traveling abroad, your main means of transport by ship?

Zhai Feng: mainly sailing, we have room and board are on board, I bought this master degrees in about 12 meters, a displacement of 10 tons or more, enough to our family in there daily diet.

Message: There is no consideration of the long-term safety issues around the ship at sea?

Zhai Feng: electronic equipment and anti-risk equipment on board is very complete, relatively safe. After Beijing's tomorrow morning (10th) 8:00 I will fly to Kuala Lumpur, buy a boat sailing in there learning to drive takes about six months.

◎ jump pit on the work of "nine to five"

Journal: What is the power to let you and your husband to resign and sell their assets to the global travel?

Sun Hong Yan: Actually talking about my husband's first journey,air jordan pas cher, there is a true story. His first journey alone is to Sanya, at December 12, 2008. Done before he went to Sanya, a dream of a white sandy beach, wanted to find him wake up after the white sandy beach. He later on Chinese electronic map to find, did find pieces of white sandy beach in Sanya, and he saw the white sandy beach in order, left for Sanya. Sanya after he did see the patch of white sandy beach dream, but also in the evening there camping. He had to give me a birthday on December 25, and also specialized in Yanzhou back before the 25th of home. From each of the Spring Festival in 2008, after we have had in the field.

Message: 2008 to the present, how you arrange your travel and work?

Sun Hong Yan: We three went away, usually through annual leave. If you leave enough time, sometimes you leave a few days.

Journal: What do you do in the railway?

Sun Hong Yan: I'm in the railway depot repair locomotives.

Message: locomotive repair?

Sun Hong Yan: Yes, I was repairing locomotives. A lot of people laughed locomotive repair a woman, in fact, nothing, just a different division of labor, the locomotive repair shop worker we have several.

Message: Do you resigned?

Sun Hong Yan: I have not resigned. I yesterday (the 10th) will be sent to Beijing airport Zhai Feng, come back to work at night. But I eventually resigned because we are serious about doing (tourism) this thing. Not that she was doing, I was watching, we are a team, we are "comrades." He went abroad, I take care of things for him back at home.

Message: experienced before selling, selling cars and your husband's resignation, if your parents in opposition?

Sun Hong Yan: great emotions parents, my parents 'only child, before my parents' home to almost all day. May now have several months without the parents' home, and they are not happy to go back, we try not to mess with them unhappy. From April this year to now, the relationship between us and the parents are very nervous.

Journal: Have you considered coming back after global no distress living house and car?

Sun Hong Yan: around people, including my family, for our approach really do not understand. In fact we do not aim house car comparisons and others not, and others engaged in the game, we just want to go where we want to go, but some of his friends think we're crazy. The future does not come back, come back have not yet decided to come back even if we do, do not choose where to live settle down, so do not let the first house, car these worldly possessions tied up yourself.

Message: Do not worry about the child's future?

Sun Hong Yan: Before anyone knows our family travel news, a lot of people say that we will destroy the child's life. Qingdao, a man who gave up their children in the exam, the parents take their children to find our 56 ethnic groups, I think I took my children to travel normal. A lot of people say that I was forced to travel with my husband,boutique louboutin paris, and I assisted Zhai Feng accomplish this dream. I think there is such a situation that existed before 2008, until 2010 when we went to Laos, Thailand, when I travel idea is particularly intense, that did not want to come back and then jumped into the "nine to five" of the pit .

In fact, in the process we are constantly traveling, your windows have been opened, then you have no way to shut the windows. The outside world is too exciting, a lot of people can not accept the unknown, but we went out daily contact are unknown, local people have not been the most beautiful.

In recent years the children followed us out, I found out that she is different from other children, cognitive abilities better.

◎ about the role of women is not only a living child multiply their descendants

Message: You can also give your child a world through other means,I knew he was looking for the.

Sun Hong Yan: I have not found, no more than a way to let me take her to travel to her world more direct and intuitive, I think I kind of education system will bring more children, I will continue in this process . If the child does not like it, we can come back.

Message: There is no consideration of the risks around the course?

Sun Hong Yan: We are also at risk at home, I ride on the road to send their children are also at risk, I eat in the house are also at risk,I did not expect such a big i, I think so. Risks are manageable, if it is to bring the outside world, in this process you will improve the ability to resist risks. Electronic equipment on board is very complete, there are two sets of computers. Most people think that the sea is very risky, in fact, related to maritime safety warning is currently very complete. In this process, as long as you avoid the typhoon period there will be no problem. Message: Do you think your parents will understand the future of your choice?

Sun Hong Yan: I think the future will certainly understand our parents choice, after all parents love their children are. My greatest asset is my parents and Zhai Feng's mother are healthy body, the body is like my parents in 1,001,000 million prize to be good. Even though I have a lot of money, parents in poor health, I will not leave. Some people say that I am under the old and small,do not know which people to take." Subsequently, so would be irresponsible to leave, I do not think it is irresponsible, I was not endless piety. If I find a better place in the future, I will pick out parents, I want to give parents something better.

Message: Do you think that life makes sense.

Sun Hong Yan: I came to this world to take this trip, not to have children, raise offspring and reproduce offspring. I do not know if I can be much longer, I do not know Zhai Feng can live long, but I hope I can live the way some wider, I came to this world to go back, to leave some footprints.

Independent Journal reporter Wang Jining end (A27, A28 version of Ventura Copyright Journal, For reprint, subject to authorization Journal.)

(Original title: speech job selling cars to stray Secret Room Jining "crazy one")