the sky was raining

Because her daughter "disobedient", the mother to take "sticks education", only to accidentally wounded his daughter to death. After the case, Minhang District Procuratorate, August 19, Minhang District Court negligence causing death and sentenced Zhang read two years imprisonment, suspended for three years.

At 1:30 on March 8 Xu, a Shanghai hospital emergency room, a young man holding a young child rushed from requesting doctor "to save her." Duty doctor,moncler outlet ufficiale, nurse examination found the child breathing, heartbeat have not,woolrich outlet online, and their body temperature also has disappeared, determined that she was dead. Nurse found during inspections,, child black and blue, her body numerous bruising blocks on the back of the head as well as bleeding mouth. Looks like a tortured by beatings.

The police investigation, staying at Min farm house in Pine Road, near Miss Chang reflect her next door to a young couple moved here from the first half of last residence along, "basically every day behind closed doors,outlet piumini,, 5-year-old daughter called them music music, while also playing with a wooden daughter crying incessantly. Lele often have bruises on his face hurt. " Miss Chang said angrily: "January 6 at 7 pm This year,, the sky was raining, the temperature is low, the couple put their daughters shut out in the rain, after a neighbor saw all have accused the couple so there is no human nature, they turned to wet and shivering child into the house. "

After investigation, the couple man called Liu whole,tiffany gioielli, woman called Zhang read. 27-year-old Zhang read Jiangsu Shuyang people, only primary school education. Migrant workers in 2003, she met Neijiang City,, Small 2-year-old Liu whole than her youth, through exchanges, in February 2005 the two men and a woman born out of wedlock,nike air max,, whichever nickname Lele. 2006 spring, they go through the formalities of marriage, Lele home Jiangsu home, raised by grandparents in Sichuan, the couple Shanghai, Kunyang road swing at a street vendor, selling sell Haberdashery, to make ends meet. Last year, the four-year-old woman Lele from Sichuan to Shanghai for the first time, staying in the vicinity of Pine Road Min farm house.

For four years not living in his side's daughter, Zhang did not read to the children realize that they need to compensate more motherly, started to feel,, "Lele for us not at all pro, rarely called us' Mom and Dad 'I think she must be a good discipline. "Liu wholly agree with the idea of ​​his wife.

However, Lele education for parents ignore the attitude taken, which makes this reading very angry. She often took the broom handle hit her daughter,piumini outlet, Lele escape to where she would catch where. Results sticks education, did not receive the desired results Zhang read the contrary,soldes air jordan, Lele parents more alienated. See her so, Zhang read it more bad temper. She said: "a broom handle is steel material,nike tn pas cher, as thick as a finger, one meter long, I am forced to beat on Lele ass, arms, and other parts of the body,, until I interrupted the spot rebar Only this time, she was like an obedient child. "

For Lele head wound, Zhang read initially strongly defended himself by saying: "It was probably ten days ago, when Lele playing outside her own fall,nike tn homme, head just happened to a piece of stone but by prominent after the injury. "After education, she admitted that when he pushed his daughter, hit the door formed themselves.

March 7 at noon, Lele did not want to eat, you just keep Liuquan Fu women eat a meal, and then began to teach science digital Lele, Zhang read her a plastic stick, let her write out the figures on the ground. Lele refused, the mother beat her with these rods. Lele cried, saying pain in the ass, body cold. Zhang read poured a cup of hot water for her to drink, she do not drink, but just stood bed side. At this point, the couple watching from the TV. 2 pm, Zhang read out and bought two buns home,nike jordan pas cher, Liu whole point of breaking the bread to her daughter to eat, Lele in his mouth. Until 5:00 pm, when Liu all to his daughter a bath and found her mouth bread also his mouth.

Seeing this,requin air max, Zhang read again temper, Lele said: "! See you do not listen, I stand at the door," Liu could not bear the whole bit,, worried that she would be frozen, it took her into the house penalty station until 22:00 o'clock, Lele did not speak. Liu rounder feel daughter wrong,basket nike tn, holding her to the hospital immediately. However, everything is too late, young lives in the hands of this biological mother died.
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